Cables as sumbac
11 July, 2024

Everything you need to know about as+ cables

The provision of security in the industries where they are used is the main purpose of as+ cables.

Thanks to innovation and development, all such features associated with security have been improved, up to the highest level, and are found in as+ cables and as cables.

The as+ cable is specially...

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Cables offshore
4 July, 2024

Offshore cables or submarine cables: features and how to choose them

One of the hallmarks of Sumcab is that we can design and produce highly customised cables, covering the specific needs of a wide range of sectors and in different applications, including submarine cables.

One of the sectors that most needs to use electric cables and benefits from our capacity for...

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Cables ignífugos | Sumcab
5 June, 2024

The Characteristics and Importance of Fireproof Cables

Fireproof cables are essential to the safety of any installation in the event of a fire.

Besides all the essential characteristics they need to have to minimise standard risks during operation, it is also very important for them to react appropriately if a fire breaks out so they can slow the spread...

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Cable apantallado industrial
27 May, 2024

Do you know what a shielded cable is used for?

A cable can consist of numerous components. The most basic of them are the conductor (to carry the current), the insulation (to keep electricity flow within the conductor) and the sheath (to insulate the cable from the elements). However, other components can be added and this is where the concept...

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Cable Profinet
24 April, 2024

What is a ProfiNET cable? Where is it used?

Modern network connections need a specific cable to suit the characteristics of each installation. For that, ProfiNET cables continue to be one of the most popular options due to the numerous advantages they offer.

The name refers to “Process Field NETwork”, a communication standard especially...

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Cable construcción apantallado
20 March, 2024

Applications and advantages of Sumsave VFD ROZ1-K

Sumsave® VFD ROZ1-K is a power supply cable for driving motors on alternating current controlled by variable frequency drives. It has been optimised for this use through symmetrical construction. It is a shielded cable for VFD that offers high chemical resistance and excellent performance against...

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27 February, 2024

Six reasons to choose Sumcab as your industrial cable supplier

Sumcab Specialcable Group is a widely recognised brand in Spain in the industrial cable sector. The Company specialises in design, manufacturing and supply, always adhering to the highest quality standards.

However, just having a good product isn't sufficient to develop a portfolio of leading...

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Tipo de cables
19 February, 2024

Optimal cable types for the non-product area of the food sector

The food sector is rated as one of the most demanding industrial environments.

For this type of sectors, continuous improvement is key, in order to offer products with additional value and ones that are fully adapted to existing needs.

In particular, the food and beverage industry is very demanding...

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Cables para el sector ferroviario
31 January, 2024

Characteristics of cables for the railway sector

At Sumcab, we have been developing and manufacturing specific cable solutions for the industrial sector for 25 years. That experience enables us to fully adapt ourselves to each market and its needs, which may vary enormously depending on the sector in question.

The  Transport and Mobility market...

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