For fixed installation, cable chains and industrial robots.
The most reliable soltution for applications with a high volume of data transmission.
- Manufactured in Spain
- Designed to withstand millions of bending movements and torsion cycles.
- Wide range in stock
- Made to measure cuts
- 24h delivery nationwide
- Custom technical support
Ethernet Industrial Cable
Cat.5e / Cat.aA / Cat.7
Profinet Cable
Industry 4.0
One of the most important challenges for companies nowadays is greater orientation towards the demands of their customers, higher productive flexibility and reduced production costs. The response to these challenges is found in the fourth industrial revolution or Industry 4.0.
The “intelligent factories” are based on the computerisation of all levels of the chain of value. All of the production processes are computerised, monitored, connected and interact together from the cloud following the concept of the Internet of Things (IOT).
This generates an enormous volume of data and the need to avail of reliable measurement systems in the case of any type of movement/change.
To respond to these needs, SUMCAB offers a wide range of Ethernet cables in Cat.5e and Cat. 6 for cable chains and robots. Cables with reinforced cover for use in industrial environments, with high resistance to oils, grease and chemicals, flame retardant and excellent mechanical resistance. Double shielding to provide immunity to electromagnetic disturbances generated by external sources.
Sumcab’s ethernet cables are the most reliable solution for guaranteeing data transmission in industrial environments.
Scope of application
Business units
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