With the aim of growing that characterizes Sumcab since the beginning, and with the idea of increasing our presence in the international and national market, the last 25th of July , Sumcab acquired productive factory unit Caesma, increasing the range of what we can offer regarding special cables manufacturing.
This production plant is equipped with modern machinery and with very high qualified and experimented personnel, that joining our certifications and accreditations that we already own, it allows us to manufacture cables for special fields such as:
- Robotic cables
- Medical equipment cables
- Aerospace industry cables
- Railway cables
The factory, which is located in San Pol de Mar (Barcelona) belongs to a plot with more than 4.000 m² distributed in several areas such as production, laboratory, quality control and front office.
With this new step, we hope to improve our response capacity, agility and speed in delivery and to improve even more he quality, influence areas and the challenges that the market demands.