Sumcab Specialcable Group has manufactured and provided solutions for all types of special cables to its customers for over fifteen years.
Offshore projects in particular have an added complexity due to the high technical requirements arising from environmental factors. The team specializing in industrial projects is highly qualified, has an extensive experience in this field and designs, plans and coordinates all product solution process phases as part of its global project always complying with quality, costs and timing.
Each offshore plant requires a large-scope and comprehensive power, control, instrumentation and communication system capable of operating under the most demanding conditions, while preserving both human and environmental safety and system integrity.
The safety of people and equipment is a priority in the development and manufacturing of its cables. The cables are halogen-free, with low acidity and gas corrosion-resistant and have been designed to meet fire-retardant standards and prevent fire from spreading.
These fire-resistant cables have also been developed to continue to provide service even when directly affected by fire. Also available are cables shielded with tinned copper braid, polished copper, galvanized steel and phosphor-bronze for better mechanical protection and for specific applications requiring shielding. To protect the line in instrumen-tation cables, screensare used for reducing electrostatic and electromagnetic perturbations in signal and communication circuits. Sumcab offshore cables com-ply with following offshore insta-llation standards: NEK 606 III ed. IEC 60092-300, BS 6883 / BS7917, IEC 61892-4 and IEEE 1580, which are required for obtaining the ABS (American Bureau of Shipping) certificate.
Sumflex Motion, new cable generation for mobile applications in the oil & gas industry.
It is very common in the oil & gas industry, and particularly on offshore plants and ships, to use applications with swivel bases, sliding plates, forklifts, cranes, hoists, drag chains, etc.
The Sumflex Motion cable product family developed for these applications provides great flexibility, maximum safety and stability when moving in suspension and sliding under extreme conditions, being capable of operating even at temperatures of down to -40 ° C. Its design with flexible or extra-flexible (class 5 or 6) conductor as well as its outer highly abrasion and oil resistant sheath made from polyurethane make this cable the ideal solution for motion cables used in offshore and marine applications.
This range of extra-flexible and halogen-free cables is intended for power, control and instrumentation systems. Depending on the required features, the cable is available for 300/500V and 0.6/1kV, manufactured with conductors or braided in pairs, and capable of being shielded with polished or tinned copper braids in pairs or as a whole set. The cover material makes the cable highly wear and abrasion resistant also providing high tear and tensile strength. It is also characterized by its high shock-absorbing capacity, good flexibility at low temperatures and high resistance to grease, oil and ozone, all of which makes it perfect for offshore applications.
Center of Competence Industrial Solutions On & Offshore